Phantom Retractable Door Screens Security Features

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Edmonton Phantom Retractable Door Screens Security Features

By installing Phantom retractable screen doors in Edmonton, you can enjoy the benefits of enhanced home security without compromising on style or obstructing your view. Phantom retractable door screens offer several security features to help enhance the safety of your home.

Built with Durable Materials

Phantom screens are built with durable materials and components designed to withstand wear and tear. The screens are made to be strong and resistant to tampering. The spline, which holds the screen mesh in place, is reinforced to provide added strength and security. This makes it more difficult for unauthorized individuals to remove or tamper with the screen.

Locking Handle

Some retractable screen doors also come with a locking handle mechanism that securely holds the screen in place when closed. This adds an extra layer of security and prevents unauthorized access.

Impact Resistant

Phantom screens are designed to be resistant to impact. While they primarily serve as insect screens and are not intended to be security barriers, they can offer some level of protection against accidental bumps or impacts without suffering damage to the invisible insect mesh or the frame surrounding it. The screens provide peace of mind by offering a physical barrier against unwanted entry while maintaining the aesthetic appeal of your home.

Seamless Integrating with Existing Security Systems

Phantom screen doors can also be seamlessly integrated with existing security systems in your home. Whether you have alarms, surveillance cameras, or other security measures in place, the installation of retractable screen doors in Edmonton can be coordinated to maintain a cohesive and comprehensive security setup. This allows you to maintain a consistent security setup and ensures that the addition of retractable screen doors does not compromise the overall safety of your property.

Blend Seamlessly with your Home’s Aesthetics

Phantom retractable screen doors are designed to be unobtrusive and blend seamlessly with your home’s aesthetics. They are available in various colours and hardware finishes, allowing you to choose options that complement your home’s style. The discreet design ensures that the screens enhance your home’s appearance without drawing attention to security measures. 

It’s important to note that while retractable screen doors offer some security features, their primary purpose is to provide insect protection, ventilation, and aesthetic enhancements. If home security is a top priority, you may want to consider additional security measures such as door locks, alarms, or reinforced doors and windows to ensure comprehensive protection for your home.

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Picture of Landon Croome

Landon Croome

Landon is the founder of Solaris and has spent over 20 years helping people build the outdoor space of their dreams. When he isn't busy working, he enjoys hockey, golf, and spending time with his wife and three boys.